Friday, July 26, 2013

Blog Post 5- Storyboard and Video

I will post the video first and then go into my storyboard. For my video I decided to use wedding pictures from my wedding 1. Because those are the only pictures I have on my computer and 2. Because I can reflect on my life and the recent events that have led up to where I am now; it's bittersweet really.

 I have created a video and a picture video before using iMovie so for me this didn't take too long. For the other project I used this for we had to do a voice over, transitions, text and a lot more than what's required for this mini video. I feel pretty comfortable with this editing software and I will have no problems using it in the future for teaching. The difficult part was making the video a minute long since there are a lot of other pictures I wanted to include and the fact that the song cut out before the best part! The song I chose was the one my bridesmaids walked out to for the wedding. And as a bonus I will post our first dance too!


As I mentioned in my proposal, a lot of my website is finished but I still need to work on the professional development part of the site. I've been spending a lot of time working on the actual lesson plans rather than on the site itself. I do however have a basic idea about what I want to do.

 The top page will be a basic introduction to the site with an easy to access panel to go between different pages.
 When you click on the PD tab it will take you to another page with 4 images, each one will lead to a new page.
 Tutorials will focus on how to create your own multimedia resources.
Multimedia will focus on where you can find resources, so that you don't have to create them yourself.
 Lesson Plans will have the lessons I create that teachers, professors and graduate students can use.
 Overview of the storyboard!

Overall, I am going to keep the tabs bar on every page in order to make it easier for visitors to go back to the main menu. They also have the option of moving on to other pages of the site without going back to the main introduction menu, which I think is convenient.

I'm trying to make sure that my website is a "multi-sensory experience" for visitors by adding pictures and videos instead of just writing down words and descriptions. I'm not a colorful person so I will not be using too many colors and only sticking to one or two types of font- all of which follows the rules of good webpage design. I am not very artsy in general so when I designed this I tried very hard to make it plain but engaging, without the extra glitz and glam.

Golombisky & Hagen, 2013)


  1. Katie,

    I really like you did your storyboard! I like it has a resemblance to a flow chart, which seems appropriate for a website design. I wish I would have constructed mine similar to yours. I'll share that I agreed with the author that it was best to write in pen, as this forced me to continually move forward. Did you also have this experience?

    As for your video, you did a wonderful job of editing together the photographs. It truly tells a (beautiful) story.

    Great job!


  2. Ah! Second video didn't post! Here's the link:
