Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mini Art School Blog Post 3-pt 2

WSINYE- Chapter 6- “Try This” #1

Below is the image WSINYE recommends using as a template grid for website layouts:

The two competing websites I selected are:

Neither one of them is following this basic grid format!

Apple has a navigation bar at the top of the page, instead of on the left side as is advised in the book. The center image on the main page is of the new iPhone and if I scroll down I can see 4 squares I can click with different promotions or coming soon technologies.
Dell’s layout is similar to Apple but they have different bright images flashing through a loop on the front page and it makes it distracting for the customer.

Apple sticks to the two fonts max rule where as Dell uses a like 4. Dell’s pages seem to be more cluttered, less color, less emphasis with bold fonts and size differentiation of the font.


  1. Interesting choice in websites! They're technically rivals since their operating systems are different and such.

    It's amazing to see how poorly websites can still look or how great they can look when certain rules are broken. Even though both of these websites decided to break the basic format of the grid, their use in font choice is different. I completely agree, Katie, the Dell website seems cluttered with the 4 or so fonts that are used while the Apple site is visually cleaner.

    -Henna T.

  2. Hi Katie,

    I enjoyed your post today. I love the pictures you selected and appreciate your careful observation for each image. It is amazing how many rules can apply to each image. I had a temptation to do exactly what you did – to describe all rules for each image. But, since I decided to make my observation via podcast, I was afraid that I and anyone who chose to listen my comments will die from boredom ☺, so I just chose a few points. I wish you would include either link to the original website or add information about the image and the author, etc. below each image.
    For you second image I would also add the principle of perspective – viewer’s eyes can just continue to move further and further toward the horizon. The first image you chose is just beautiful – I have to agree with you – you do have a good eye for great images.

