Saturday, July 6, 2013

Blog 2 pt. 2

I did the exercise on pg. 71 of Design Basic Index: Decisive Presentation Exercise. I basically had to fill in the paper with rectangles and then draw in other basic or complex geometric shapes, color areas in and just play around with the format. I learned that it is hard to fill a page with designs, especially geometric ones when you have no art skills. I learned that I will never go into design since a third into this exercise I was already annoyed how long this was taking. I certainly appreciate others doing the work but I am not creative myself. I apparently don't even own color pencils! I don't have an eye for special formatting and I'm ok with that. I'm the "word creator" to a drawing.

I had a great time going through all the books and the readings to see what is the "right" and the "wrong" way of doing things...but I also realized that I like to analyze art rather than create it.


  1. Hi Katie,

    It is interesting that you found this part of assignment somewhat challenging and commented that you are the “word creator”. I actually like your design, you did a great job mixing different components and I also appreciate that you kept them about the same size. You can almost use your image as a game for focusing attention. Kids can work on finding certain elements and count how many times they are used in the design. I am wondering what was making you annoyed – is it the lack of drawing skills or the designing itself? Do you think it would be easier to do this on the computer by using already created symbols? I wish you would make another page and give your symbol a little white space or room to breath. I would say do not give up on your design career yet, perhaps, after this course you will enjoy more creating with other media besides words.

  2. Hi Katie,

    I was just commenting on Henna's blog how much I enjoyed seeing a hand-drawn response to this particular Mini Art School prompt. You did a great job with the task -- I know how tedious and time-consuming sketching can be! That said, I love the last line of this post where you write "I also realized that I like to analyze art rather than create it." That's such an interesting observation on your part. Oftentimes those students who don't see themselves as artistic are extremely frustrated by tasks like those required for the Mini Art School unit, but equally fulfilled by the effort they put into their work, even if they don't like what they came up with, nor liked creating it in the first place. I don't think I've ever heard a student tell me they preferred analysis over creation, but I am glad to see that you enjoyed aspects of this assignment even though you feel you're more apt to slogan creation than illustration :)

    Well done!
