Friday, August 2, 2013

Blog 6- CITEd

I have already began with my plan to share what I have learned in this class. I am organizing a teacher workshop for this upcoming week and have incorporated a lot of the ideas from this class as well as "assigned" some of the readings we had to read for this class.

I website like CITEd and other resource sharing, group bookmark places are a fantastic tool to use when coming up with ideas changing your school or even your own classroom.

I started out with this concept of bookmarking links I can share with other teachers...and somehow ended up focusing on my own interests instead. I wanted to find resources that were more technology oriented but of course got side tracked with the technology and science ones.

Some of the links are below.

Froguts: Just because it's not a physically hands on lab doesn't make it any less educational. Virtual dissections, which can be performed any time, as many times as you want, without the ethical concern, the money spent on live animals and the mess.

HHMI virtual labs are a little more advanced and appropriate for college level students. When I was an adjunct at Drew this past fall/spring I had a lot of trouble organizing their immunology lab since they had no equipment. Something like having this resource would have been useful and this will be something I pass on to the next person teaching the course this year.

When I was looking under curriculum development I found the link for a great organization website, which would be great for collaborations in higher ed. And then there is the Knowledge forum which is more appropriate for high school level students and teacher collaboration work.

I'm excited to share these resources because they help to make technology and multimedia use appropriate for the lesson rather than being stuck in. I have always said what the Dugan article said, effective use of technology starts with knowing what purpose you are using it for.

If I was sending this to an administrator I would try to make it more general rather than sciency since there are other resources like Min/Max minimize distractions, maximize efficiency. As for the teacher who doesn't want to hear the T word...why are they teaching again? Ok, ok I'm mostly kidding.

Edit: And just to add my two cents...that website is NOT easy to navigate. Someone should really consider re-designing it and following the rules from WSINYE!


  1. Hi Katie-
    Could you send me a copy of your toolkit? You and I have many of the same interests and I am interested in what you found. It seems really interesting.
    I have always liked HHMI for their videos and resources but I didn't know that they had the virtual labs site. It may help some teachers that I know with AP Bio. Froguts is also great if you want to show them what the frog should look like during dissection before they dissect so they don't waste resources.
    Your reference to Dugan is right on. If you just stick in technology just to say you have used it, it holds no benefits for anyone and the teacher will lose credibility with the students because no one likes their time wasted. But if you use it with a purpose in mind and efficiently, the students will appreciate it and be willing to trust that you know what you are talking about.
    Great job!

    1. Hi Shannon,

      Sure! What's your email address?
